This service is to initial fixed-term tenancy agreement no less than six-months. It is designed for landlords who have the expertise and time to manage tenants, maintenance issues and compliance.
We endeavour to maintain the high standard of personal and professional conduct for the benefit not only for landlords but also for tenants. After all, only satisfied tenants would choose to stay longer, given landlord’s the minimised void periods between tenancies.
This service is to initial fixed-term tenancy agreement no less than six-months. It is designed for landlords who have the expertise and time to manage tenants, maintenance issues and compliance.
Property Management Service (4%)
This service aims to help landlords who need support to meet their legal, safety and maintenance obligations and to assist those without the time or desire to deal with routine requests form tenants. Landlords will enjoy complete peace of mind during the entire tenancy term.
This service aims to provide landlords guaranteed rent payments within agreed terms (normally 18-60 months lease) plus full-management service. Landlords will enjoy stable rental incomes without worrying about any void periods.